Arte y Literatura

Biblioteca universal sobre Arte y Literatura Contemporánea

Libros de Rosa Barocio (3 libros)

Disciplina Con Amor. Soluciones Día a Día

Libro Disciplina Con Amor. Soluciones Día a Día

For parents that cry out for and to the point solutions, Rosa Barocio offers us a unique book with practical help for situations that "everyday bread". Points out damaging attitudes and shows new respectful ways to set limits and guide from a loving approach.

Disciplina con Amor Tu Temperamento

Libro Disciplina con Amor Tu Temperamento

Sometimes the people we love are the ones that irritate and infuriate us the most. They key to bettering these relationships is being able to understand temperaments. Many people respond to situations in different ways, but they all have their own reasoning for doing so. We need to be able to understand one another more easily as this permits us to be more patient, tolerant, and compassionate. Rosa Barocio, with her sense of humor and anecdotes, helps readers get to know their tempers and how to better control them in difficult situations. Las personas que más amamos a veces son las que más ...

Disciplina con amor

Libro Disciplina con amor

"Nadie nos ha entrenado para ser educadores, y educar es una tarea compleja. Por un lado, vemos que no funciona ser autoritarios como lo fueron nuestros padres y maestros, pero por otro, nos damos cuenta de que la permisividad trae consecuencias muy graves, "--Back cover.