Arte y Literatura

Biblioteca universal sobre Arte y Literatura Contemporánea

Libros de Suzanne Barchers (2 libros)

Limpiemos nuestra escuela (Cleaning Our School)

Libro Limpiemos nuestra escuela (Cleaning Our School)

A big, summer storm left the school in this book a mess! The students, parents, and other volunteers worked to clean it up. They make teams to pick up aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and glass. After everything is cleaned up, they use graphs to show how much of each item they collected. They take these items to be recycled. They use the money they earn to help build a new playground. What does your school need, and how can you help?

Jardín de niños Guía del padre para el éxito de su hijo (Kindergarten Parent Guide for You

Libro Jardín de niños Guía del padre para el éxito de su hijo (Kindergarten Parent Guide for You

With this Parent Guide written in Spanish, get parents and teachers working together to increase student achievement. This helpful guide allows Spanish-speaking parents to easily reinforce what the teacher is doing in the kindergarten classroom and turn everyday actions into learning opportunities for their children, bridging the gap between school and home. *Quantity pricing available for schools only.