Martín Rivas
Describes the career of a young man during the 1851 Chilean Revolution. Includes glossary and notes for learning Spanish.
Biblioteca universal sobre Arte y Literatura Contemporánea
Describes the career of a young man during the 1851 Chilean Revolution. Includes glossary and notes for learning Spanish.
Monograph comprising proposals for a new strategy for economic development in Latin America, with particular reference to the economic policy of Chile in the context of economic integration - examines problems of international monetary policy, trade and balance of payments in the framework of economic relations, the role of USA in latin america, etc.
Set dedicated to the Young Communists, youth organization of Chilean communism. Aspects of their culture, organization, political action, militancy are reviewed.
Escritos por destacados sociólogos y cientistas políticos chilenos y de otros países latinoamericanos, los textos que conforman este volumen analizan los vínculos entre opinión pública y sistema político en las democracias modernas. Basados en investigaciones originales, ofrecen renovadas evidencias empíricas y rigurosas reflexiones, destinadas a enriquecer los debates conceptuales acerca del tema.
Trabajo presentado en el "Seminario Temas Económicos de Hoy", organizado por el CEP, en julio de 1984.
Exhibition in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the National History Museum in Santiago de Chile. The exhibition show, through 166 varied objects, not only the creation of the Museum, but also different cultural axes that inspired its creation and how the objects displayed (painting, photography, furniture, weapons, coins, textiles, documents, decorative arts, etc..) came from various collections, donations and purchases throughout time during the last century.
Catalog of books deposited in the library under law of 1872; and, from 1891-1898, books by Chilean authors, or relating to Chile, published in other countries.
"A group of distinguished scholars and policymakers presents detailed views covering all major aspects of Chile's future economic development"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 57.
Contenido: El INE en la historia -- Población -- Estadísticas vitales -- Trabajo -- Mujeres y hombres -- Salud -- Educación -- Justicia -- Economía -- Agricultura -- Minería -- Industria --Energía -- Construcción -- Transporte -- Telecomunicaciones -- Precios -- Medio ambiente -- Medios de comunicación.
Un recuerdo puede diluirse con el tiempo y dejar sólo la sensación, la idea, el concepto. Un recuerdo puede borrarse a punta de calmantes, ansiolíticos, antidepresivos, somníferos, terapias, exceso de trabajo, mucha vida social y ocupaciones, pero hay cosas que se anclan en la memoria y que permanecen ahí esperando que uno tenga el valor suficiente para bucear en ellas.
Catalog of books deposited in the library, and books by Chilean authors, or relating to Chile, published in other countries.
Catalog of books deposited in the library, and books by Chilean authors, or relating to Chile, published in other countries.
Cartoné. "El día en que el hombre se apoderó del lenguaje se apoderó de la historia y de la vida. Al hacerlo nos silenció. Yo diría que la gran revolución de este siglo es que las mujeres recuperen la voz". Cuatro mujeres chilenas, profesionales, situadas en la mitad de sus vidas, se reúnen junto a un lago para contar sus experiencias. Un torrente de testimonios distintos se entrecruzan sobre un paisaje íntimo común: la enorme capacidad de amar; la vulnerabilidad en el terreno afectivo, pese a los logros en el profesional; el costo de los sueños... Son la suma de muchas mujeres que ...
The exhibition is centered in the period when Chile was part of the Tawantinsuyu territory, the largest Pre-Columbian empire of the Americas, covering more than 12000 miles from the south of Colombia to central Chile. During the 15th century emperor Topa Inka Yupanqui conquered the territory that is now Chile and until the arrival of the Spanish conquerors, the territories of northern and central Chile were governed by Inca emperors and leaving behind and important language legacy. The exhibition includes archaeological metal, textile and stone pieces from diverse museums in Peru: Museo...
El folclor logo Orestes Plath nos invita a sumergirnos en la sabidur a del pueblo chileno a trav s de un recorrido por personajes populares, habla popular, leyendas, tradiciones, refranes, adivinanzas, fiestas criollas y diversas expresiones del folclor infantil, religioso y musical. la obra, que en palabras del autor "es una 'ordenada' de material literario popular buscado y compilado en el pa s, comparado y acompa ado de una bibliograf a que ha servido Para las confrontaciones", es presentada en su decimoquinta edici n, corregida y anotada.
"This collection represents a declaration of principles of the Center for Public Studies, an economic and scientific elite that governs studies and problem-solving apparatus about environmental protection in Chile"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 57.
Catalog of books deposited in the library, and books by Chilean authors, or relating to Chile, published in other countries.
Catalog of books deposited in the library, and books by Chilean authors, or relating to Chile, published in other countries.
"A collection of significant essays analyzing the multifaceted process of decentralization. Contains detailed proposals for the consolidation of local and regional autonomy and finance"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 57.
Opciones de Descarga