Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out
Sinopsis del Libro

Written in the psychedelic era, Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out is Timothy Leary at his best, beckoning with humor and irreverence, a vision of individual empowerment, personal responsibility, and spiritual awakening. Includes: Start Your Own Religion Education as an Addictive Process Soul Session Buddha as Drop-Out Mad Virgin of Psychedelia God's Secret Agent o Homage to Huxley The Awe-Ful See-Er o The Molecular Revolution MIT is TIM Backwards Neurological Politics "Trickster is a major figure in American Indian folk Wisdom. Also in Sufi Tales … a certain type of "rascal"-with a grin and a wink (and wisdom beyond wisdom) … in the Zen tradition this is known as the School of Crazy Wisdom … Timothy Leary-in his own inimitable way-has become the twentieth century's grand master of crazy wisdom …" - Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove
Información del Libro
Número de páginas 121
- Timothy Leary
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