Arte y Literatura

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Viaje al Sol (A Trip to the Sun)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Viaje al Sol (A Trip to the Sun)

The sun is responsible for all life on Earth, but what exactly is it? Our star is an amazing force that can be as dangerous as it is important. From solar flares to the threat of blowing up altogether, the sun is one of the most interesting things in our solar system. Readers take a trip to the sun to see how it works and exactly what it is made of. They’ll learn about the life cycle of a star and see just how long we have until we have to find a new planet to call home. Don’t worry, they’ll be happy to learn that (hopefully) we have millions of years left!

Información del Libro

Número de páginas 32



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81 Reseñas Totales

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The sun is responsible for all life on Earth, but what exactly is it? Our star is an amazing force that can be as dangerous as it is important. From solar flares to the threat of blowing up altogether, the sun is one of the most interesting things in our solar system. Readers take a trip to the sun to see how it works and exactly what it is made of. Theyll learn about the life cycle of a star and see just how long we have until we have to find a new planet to call home. Dont worry, theyll be happy to learn that (hopefully) we have millions of years left!

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