Arte y Literatura

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What's behind a DIVORCE

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro What's behind a DIVORCE

WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT DIVORCE. Because your fairy-tale dream became your worst nightmare and you no longer know how to wake up from it, do not despair, there are always solutions for everything. It only depends on you. You are the one who has the power to change your situation. If you are going through a very difficult situation in your marriage, and you hesitate whether or not to divorce, or there is inevitably no other solution than divorce, or you find yourself confused by the quarantine that's making you feel that you can no longer bear your relationship, or the decision to divorce has been made, or you are already going through a divorce process and this situation is very difficult or painful for you, or you simply just want to end it quickly, or you want to say goodbye to your marriage in the best way possible, then this book is for you.

Información del Libro

Número de páginas 186


  • Kathy Higgins


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