Arte y Literatura

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Ascender #18

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Ascender #18

“STAR SEED,” Part Four Concluding the sci-fi/fantasy epic that began in the pages of DESCENDER, JEFF LEMIRE and DUSTIN NGUYEN present the final account of one young robot’s struggle to keep his friends alive as the forces of magic and science meet in a climactic fashion.

Información del Libro

Número de páginas 32



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Descender -

Libro Descender -

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Libro Descender #31

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Ascender #6

Libro Ascender #6

ÒTHE DEAD SEA,Ó Part One The hit fantasy series from powerhouse creative team JEFF LEMIRE and DUSTIN NGUYEN continues! After a bruising escape attempt, Andy finds himself in the clutches of the Militia, which means the murderous Mother canÕt be far behind. Meanwhile, Mila books passage on a ship piloted by none other than the irascible Captain Telsa!

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