Arte y Literatura

Biblioteca universal sobre Arte y Literatura Contemporánea

Libros de Dona Herweck Rice (11 libros)

Niños fantásticos: Los niños de teatro

Libro Niños fantásticos: Los niños de teatro

The theater rocks with thunderous applause as the actors take their bows. But these actors are not grownups. They are kids! They work as hard as the grown-ups do, and they have as much talent. Bravo to these fantastic theater kids! Featuring exciting TIME For Kids content, this full-color Spanish book will develop students' comprehension and literacy skills as they are engaged in reading about the theater. Aligned to state and national standards, this text introduces early readers to simple informational text features including a glossary, vocabulary list, and bold font.

¡Pégale! Historia de las herramientas (Hit It! History of Tools) (Spanish Version)

Libro ¡Pégale! Historia de las herramientas (Hit It! History of Tools) (Spanish Version)

Find out how tools have helped people hunt, build, and make life easier in this engaging, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. With colorful images, timelines, charts, a glossary to assist with vocabulary improvement, and an index, children will learn how tools throughout time have made such an important impact on life as we know it! Featured eras include the Stone Age and the Industrial Revolution.

Escuela de niños grandes (Big Kid School) Lap Book (Spanish Version)

Libro Escuela de niños grandes (Big Kid School) Lap Book (Spanish Version)

What will you do at big kid school? Will you run and paint? Will you sing and learn? Read this book to find out just how cool big kid school will be. This book has been translated into Spanish and allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are beginning readers and is an excellent tool for building the confidence new readers need to embark on the adventures that await them while reading!


Libro Trabajadores

Familiarize beginning readers with the different jobs of community workers. Featuring basic concepts, easy-to-read informational text, and engaging photographs this Spanish-translated nonfiction title is sure to create an exciting learning adventure.

Los tres cochinitos (The Three Little Pigs) (Spanish Version)

Libro Los tres cochinitos (The Three Little Pigs) (Spanish Version)

Act out the tale of three little pigs who each make their own house. One house is made of straw, another is made of sticks, and the last is made of bricks. Their homes are threatened when a wolf moves nearby and hopes to blow down their houses and eat the pigs! Found out what house will be safe and sturdy! This charming, Spanish-translated script includes six roles that are written at varying reading levels, supporting differentiation and English language learner strategies. Teachers can implement specific strategies to assign roles to students based on their individual reading levels. This...

¿Qué tipo de tiempo? (What Kind of Weather?) (Spanish Version)

Libro ¿Qué tipo de tiempo? (What Kind of Weather?) (Spanish Version)

What kind of weather are we having today? What clothes should I wear? Children will want to answer these questions as they read this delightful book about weather and how to dress for it. This book has been translated into Spanish and allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are beginning readers and is an excellent tool for building the confidence new readers need to embark on the adventures that await them while reading!

La gran bandera (Grand Old Flag)

Libro La gran bandera (Grand Old Flag)

Featuring TIME For Kids content, La gran bandera (Grand Old Flag) discusses the importance of the American flag. This wordless picture book teaches kindergarteners about America's symbol of freedom as they observe the pictures. Aligned to NGSS standards, this visually engaging book encourages students to describe what is happening using their own words.

Siempre crece: La fruta (Always Growing: Fruit)

Libro Siempre crece: La fruta (Always Growing: Fruit)

Featuring Time For Kids content, Siempre crece: La fruta (Always Growing: Fruit) will engage students in learning. Discover what happens when an apple seed is planted in the ground. Based on NGSS standards, this Spanish book teaches children about growth, and encourages young learners to use their own words to describe what is happening in the pictures.

Lo que demuestra la evidencia (What the Evidence Shows)

Libro Lo que demuestra la evidencia (What the Evidence Shows)

The scientific method lists important steps in the process of conducting scientific study and research. With detailed images and fascinating sidebars, this nonfiction book explores the scientific method and scientific practices in depth, and introduces students to new concepts, vocabulary terms, and STEM topics. Aligned to state and national standards, the leveled text supports students reading at above-, below-, and on-grade level. The fun lab activity encourages students to think like scientists. Keep students engaged in learning with this Spanish book.

Chicas y chicos malos del mundo antiguo

Libro Chicas y chicos malos del mundo antiguo

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: Introduce readers to some of the most well-known criminals and tyrants of the past with this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction book! Featuring intriguing facts and theories, colorful images, and informational text in conjunction with a glossary of terms, a bibliography, and a list of helpful websites with more information, readers will want to learn all they can about ancient history and the bad guys and gals from the past.

La cultura de los calendarios ebook

Libro La cultura de los calendarios ebook

The use of calendars dates back thousands of years. Why are we driven to record time, and what would happen if we did not? Who created the concept of calendars? Why do different cultures use different calendar systems? And why are calendars so important to us? It is about "time" we found out! Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this Spanish-translated Smithsonian Informational Text builds reading skills while engaging students' curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. Packed with factoids and informative sidebars, it features a hands-on STEAM challenge...