Arte y Literatura

Biblioteca universal sobre Arte y Literatura Contemporánea

La gran bandera (Grand Old Flag)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro La gran bandera (Grand Old Flag)

Featuring TIME For Kids content, La gran bandera (Grand Old Flag) discusses the importance of the American flag. This wordless picture book teaches kindergarteners about America's symbol of freedom as they observe the pictures. Aligned to NGSS standards, this visually engaging book encourages students to describe what is happening using their own words.

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Número de páginas 12



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The scientific method lists important steps in the process of conducting scientific study and research. With detailed images and fascinating sidebars, this nonfiction book explores the scientific method and scientific practices in depth, and introduces students to new concepts, vocabulary terms, and STEM topics. Aligned to state and national standards, the leveled text supports students reading at above-, below-, and on-grade level. The fun lab activity encourages students to think like scientists. Keep students engaged in learning with this Spanish book.

¿Qué tipo de tiempo? (What Kind of Weather?) (Spanish Version)

Libro ¿Qué tipo de tiempo? (What Kind of Weather?) (Spanish Version)

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Read Along or Enhanced eBook: Introduce readers to some of the most well-known criminals and tyrants of the past with this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction book! Featuring intriguing facts and theories, colorful images, and informational text in conjunction with a glossary of terms, a bibliography, and a list of helpful websites with more information, readers will want to learn all they can about ancient history and the bad guys and gals from the past.

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Book Features: • Ages 5-8, Grades K-2 • 24 pages, 8 inches x 8 inches • Simple, easy-to-read pages in Spanish with full-color pictures • Includes a glossary, index, and an engineering design activity • Supports NGSS Playful Learning: In Mi Biblioteca de Ingeniería: Diseño y Construcción para Jugar, kindergarten—second graders learn about the forces, energy, and designs that make up roller coasters, sports equipment, zip lines, and other things we love! Engineering Made Fun: Forces, energy, and motion are all a part of how we play. Young readers learn how engineers use science...

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