Arte y Literatura

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Between the Rivers

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Between the Rivers

Sometimes life gives you exactly what you do not want, precisely when you need it most. That's how it was for Gideon. Not that he was guilty, at least not of rustling, but the town was pretty well set on hanging him anyway. Don't get me wrong, Caswell Crossing is full of good folks. Some would even call themselves upstanding citizens. Have you ever tried to change the minds of 'good folks' when they are half convinced the swift application of a rope will solve all their problems? But the prospect of being hung counted as nothing more than a bothersome inconvenience to Gideon. Maybe he was just too busy fending off the Rivers's attempts to help him out to take notice of such things. This story is intelligent, witty, & insightful in a way that holds true, not only for its loosely American West setting, but for today's coffee drinking Joe as well. This novel is told with a 'sitting beside you on the couch' feeling and is a 'clean' read.

Información del Libro

Número de páginas 270


  • Natalie Jayne


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