Christian, the Choice Is Yours
Sinopsis del Libro

Life is all about choices. You choose where to live, your occupation, spouse, and the names of your children - just to highlight a few. Some choices are easy to make, while others are difficult and require a lot of thought and consideration. Some choices lead to good outcomes while others do not. The best choice an individual could ever make is to receive Christ as personal Savior. That decision guarantees the believer a home in Heaven with God for eternity. Although the eternal issue is settled, there are many choices that face the believer during his/her journey through life. These choices will not alter the believer's eternal destiny, but can have a major impact on the quality and effectiveness of the Christian life. Wrong choices made by the believer can result in a life that is marred by defeat and unhappiness. This book is about personal choices for the believer. Although the principles presented in this book are for all Christians, the words are directed to you for self-examination. Victory in your Christian life will be determined by the choices you make. God has a plan for your life and a way to achieve it, but Satan also has a plan. Whose plan you follow depends on your choices. This battle over control of your life will continue until you are finally at home in Heaven. The goal of this book is to equip you with guiding principles from God's Word to explain how you can have God's promised victory and live a meaningful and fruitful Christian life. You can follow God's plan and experience this victory or choose Satan's plan and live defeated. The choice is yours.
Información del Libro
Subtitulo : Living in Victory or Defeat
Número de páginas 157
- Ron Mcneel
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