Arte y Literatura

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¡Cómpralo! Historia del dinero (Buy It! History of Money) (Spanish Version)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro ¡Cómpralo! Historia del dinero (Buy It! History of Money) (Spanish Version)

What did people use to buy things before money was invented? Where is money made? Find out in this inviting book that informs readers about coins, paper money, the Federal Reserve, exchange rates, and checking accounts. Featuring a timeline of money's history, detailed photos, stimulating facts, clear, informational text, and a glossary that will assist in improving vocabulary, this Spanish-translated nonfiction title will keep readers engaged from cover to cover.

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Número de páginas 32



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Otros libros de Debra J. Housel

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Libro Harriet Tubman

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Los invertebrados increíbles

Libro Los invertebrados increíbles

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Libro Operaciones administrativas de compraventa ( Edición 2017)

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