Arte y Literatura

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El Corazon de la Bruja

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El Corazon de la Bruja

Angrboda's story begins where most witch tales end: with being burnt. A punishment from Odin for sharing her visions of the future with the wrong people, the fire leaves Angrboda injured and powerless, and she flees into the furthest reaches of a remote forest. There she is found by a man who reveals himself to be the trickster god Loki, and her initial distrust of him and any of his kind grows reluctantly into a deep and abiding love. Their union produces the most important things in her long life: a trio of peculiar children, each with a secret destiny, whom she is keen to raise at the edge of the world, safely hidden from Odin's all-seeing eye. But as Angrboda slowly recovers her prophetic powers, she learns that her blissful life and possibly all of existence is in danger. Angrboda must choose whether she'll accept the fate that she's foreseen for her beloved family or rise to remake it.

Información del Libro


  • Genevieve Gornichec


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