Arte y Literatura

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El museo fuera de lugar

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El museo fuera de lugar

A study of Bogota viewed as a museum (outside of the traditional museum). This work offers a critical look at modern city through a series of tours through downtown Bogotá, specifically on Seventh Avenue between Calles 11 and 16 that was transformed from Bogotazo through an urban renewal project. It turned the area into a paradigm of what should be a modern Bogotá. The book discusses the aesthetic character of its architecture, the connections between traditional museums, and reaffirmed the principles of order and functionality of the modern movement and led to rules that have sought unsuccessfully to have total control of space as strategy to eliminate conflicts and organize the silence.

Información del Libro

Número de páginas 146


  • Jaime Iregui


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Mario Botta/Spanish/English

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