Arte y Literatura

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Enséñame tus caminos 3. El tiempo pascual, día tras día

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Enséñame tus caminos 3. El tiempo pascual, día tras día

"These offer directions, suggestions and materials for improving liturgical celebrations and participation in them. They cover the major aspects of the liturgy: liturgical seasons, the sacraments, ministries, etc. They are prepared at the Centro de Pastoral Liturgica, with contributions by a variety of authors. Also works by a single author. Most Dossiers have had multiple printings. Presents all the reading and gives suggestions for the homily or for personal reflection. Contains a selection of phrases as echoed responses to prayer, introductions, etc.

Información del Libro

Número de páginas 160



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Otros libros de José Aldazábal

Enséñame Tus Caminos, 6

Libro Enséñame Tus Caminos, 6

"These offer directions, suggestions and materials for improving liturgical celebrations and participation in them. They cover the major aspects of the liturgy: liturgical seasons, the sacraments, ministries, etc. They are prepared at the Centro de Pastoral Liturgica, with contributions by a variety of authors. Also works by a single author. Most Dossiers have had multiple printings. Presents all the reading and gives suggestions for the homily or for personal reflection. Contains a selection of phrases as echoed responses to prayer, introductions, etc.

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