Arte y Literatura

Biblioteca universal sobre Arte y Literatura Contemporánea

Globos aerostáticos (Hot Air Balloons)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Globos aerostáticos (Hot Air Balloons)

Students will learn about the history of hot air balloons and they will also discover the importance of volume when calculating hot air balloon flight. Used in the classroom or at home, this nonfiction Spanish text includes mathematical charts to help students practice calculations. With a glossary, an index, dynamic images, and easy-to-read text, students will build their math and reading skills while they are engaged in reading high-interest content.

Información del Libro

Subtitulo : Volumen (Volume)

Número de páginas 32



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Libro En el acuario (At the Aquarium) (Spanish Version)

En el acuario (At the Aquarium) engages students in reading about aquariums as they learn how to calculate volume. Volume helps aquarium designers figure out everything from the shapes and sizes of tanks to how much water is needed to fill them. This nonfiction Spanish text includes mathematical charts to help students practice calculations. With a glossary, an index, and easy-to-read text, students will build their math and reading skills while they are engaged in reading high-interest content.

Medidas naturales (Natural Measures)

Libro Medidas naturales (Natural Measures)

This book really measures up! It provides historical background and details about how length, distance, volume, weight, and time were measured in the past. An introduction to many of the necessary terms for a better understanding of measurement, such as scale, perimeter, and ruler is provided along with detailed photos and images to help the readers better comprehend the overall concept of measurement.

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