Arte y Literatura

Biblioteca universal sobre Arte y Literatura Contemporánea

La Alegra De Dibujar

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro La Alegra De Dibujar

A relaxing and gratifying way to acquire the habit of drawing each day: this book is a formative and enrichening adventure that follows six enjoyable steps in each exercise created for 52 weeks of practice. Give yourself permission to be artistic, and discover how this meditation can release negative thoughts and place yourself in the present to enjoy each stroke. Draw figures, lines, and simple textures while you learn the elements and principles of creating.

Información del Libro

Subtitulo : Meditaciones Diarias De 15 Minutos Para Cultivar Las Habilidades De Dibujo Y Relajarse Coloreando 365 Propuestas Para Desarrollar Sus Habilidades Art

Número de páginas 144


  • Stephanie Jones


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