Arte y Literatura

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Las postales del oso Bosley (Postcards from Bosley Bear) (Spanish Version)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Las postales del oso Bosley (Postcards from Bosley Bear) (Spanish Version)

Take a trip to Washington D.C. with Bosley Bear! Learn about four important presidents--Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Lincoln--while Bosley Bear finds the monuments dedicated to them that are scattered around Washington D.C. This charming, Spanish-translated script includes six roles that are written at varying reading levels, supporting differentiation and English language learner strategies. Teachers can implement differentiation strategies to assign roles to students based on their individual reading levels. This helpful feature is an easy way for teachers to get all of their students involved and engaged in an activity. All students will gain confidence and feel successful while building fluency, regardless of their current reading ability. This script also features a song and poem relating to the story. Through performing this story together, students will practice valuable skills like interacting cooperatively, reading aloud, and using expressive voices and gestures. All of the features in this dynamic, leveled script make it a great resource for an entire classroom of young readers.

Información del Libro

Número de páginas 20



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Las postales del oso Bosley (Postcards from Bosley Bear)

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This is the story of Bosley Bear and his travels to Washington, D.C. After working hard at Mt. Rushmore, Bosley decides to take a much needed vacation. With the help of his presidential friends on Mt. Rushmore, he decides to travel to Washington, D.C., where he discovers the monuments that help him to understand what America is all about. 20pp.

La constitución del campamento (Camping Constitution) (Spanish Version)

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