Arte y Literatura

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Linfedema (Lymphedema)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Linfedema (Lymphedema)

This vital information for any woman who has had breast cancer surgery is now available in a Spanish edition! If you have been treated for breast cancer, you need to be aware of your risk for lymphedema. About 25 percent of breast cancer surgery patients experience lymphedema -- a disfiguring, painful swelling, most frequently of the arm. Lymphedema can occur with anyone whose lymphatic system is compromised so that it can be overloaded to the point that swelling begins. Many doctors suggest that little can be done for the condition -- if they mention it at all. But help is available in this book. Complete with more than 50 illustrations, Linfedema also tells the encouraging stories of women who have dealt with lymphedema successfully using the methods described in the book. Linfedema describes the many options women have for preventing and treating lymphedema. It emphasizes active self-help and provides extensive information on: preventing lymphedema reducing lymphedema through professional therapy reducing lymphedema through exercise and self-massage selecting and using wraps and compression garments eating right to manage lymphedema finding emotional support locating resources for additional help

Información del Libro

Subtitulo : Una Guaa de Prevencian y Sanacian para Pacientes con Cancer de Mama (a Breast Cancer Patient's Guide to Prevention and Healing)

Número de páginas 244


  • Jeannie Burt
  • Gwen White


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