Arte y Literatura

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Querido Doctorcito

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Querido Doctorcito

The main body of the book is the facsimile and transcription of the collection of themanuscript and typed letters and telegraphs mailed between artist Frida Kahlo and doctor LeoEloesser, and enriched with contributions written by experts in art and medicine such as CarlosMonsivais, Teresa del Conde, Juan Pascoe, and others. The group of letters corresponds to 3phases covering from 1936 to 1951: The first part reflects a courteous friendship and a paternalrelationship of total confidence and where she consults him for all medical and personal matters. The second part of the correspondence airs her political feelings about the Spanish Civil War, the refuges arriving in Mexico and Diego Rivera's health. The third part of the correspondencemarks an important shift, when the 2 protagonists adopt a more informal tone and where Kahloconfides her several love affairs and medical problems, and although during this period shepainted extensively she does not mention it as she didn't believe in her own success stamped. These letters suggest that there was more than just a caring friendship between them while alsorepresent the heartbreaking confessions by Kahlo after she lost the baby she was expecting withher husband Diego Rivera.

Información del Libro

Subtitulo : Frida Kahlo-Leo Eloesser, correspondencia

Número de páginas 285



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Hasta los quince años, cuando sufrió el grave accidente que determinaría casi todos los aspectos de su vida, Frida Kahlo pensaba estudiar medicina. Luego se dedicó a la pintura, donde expresó con gran intensidad y lirismo su experiencia del dolor y la dura condición que la sociedad de la época reservaba a la mujer. Es muy significativo que cerca de la tercera parte de su obra esté compuesta de autorretratos con referencias explícitas a los padecimientos físicos. Este libro excepcional reúne la colección más completa publicada hasta ahora de textos escritos por la gran artista...

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