Arte y Literatura

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Thomas Jefferson no firmó la Constitución (Thomas Jefferson Didn't Sign the Constitution)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Thomas Jefferson no firmó la Constitución (Thomas Jefferson Didn't Sign the Constitution)

When many think of the Constitution, they think of the Founding Fathers: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin...but neither Jefferson nor Adams even signed it. Facts like this will surprise readers, while further information will enlighten them about both the crucial document called the U.S. Constitution as well as about its creation and ratification. This essential volume is a significant addition to any elementary social studies collection.

Información del Libro

Subtitulo : Exposing Myths About the Constitutional Convention

Número de páginas 32


  • Barbara M. Linde


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Viaje al centro de la Tierra (A Trip to the Center of the Earth)

Libro Viaje al centro de la Tierra (A Trip to the Center of the Earth)

If we could take a trip to the center of the Earth, what would we find? In this amazing book readers can do just that with the help of a special ship that can handle the extreme heat and pressure deep beneath Earth’s crust. Digging through a few miles of the crust is just the start of the nearly 4,000-mile journey to Earth’s core. Readers might be surprised to find that not all of the trip is through solid rock, as the intense heat does strange and amazing things to the material that makes up our planet!

Los ciclos de vida de los insectos (Insect Life Cycles)

Libro Los ciclos de vida de los insectos (Insect Life Cycles)

Many insects hatch from eggs and molt several times as they grow bigger. Others, such as butterflies, undergo a complete metamorphosis. A common science curriculum topic, insect life cycles may be confusing because of these differences. However, this book breaks down these cycles into easy-to-understand steps in both accessible language and colorful diagrams readers can turn to for review again and again. The most important vocabulary needed to talk about insect life cycles is further explained in fact boxes and an extended glossary.

Arte y cultura: Postres alrededor del mundo: Comparación de fracciones (Desserts Around the World: Comparing Fractions)

Libro Arte y cultura: Postres alrededor del mundo: Comparación de fracciones (Desserts Around the World: Comparing Fractions)

What do churros, macarons, and strudel have in common? In order to bake them successfully, pastry chefs must use fractions! Students will learn comparing fractions while engaged in reading about delectable desserts from around the world. This Spanish book combines mathematics and literacy skills, and uses practical, real-world examples of problem solving to teach math and language arts content. The glossary, index, and table of contents will further understanding of reading and math concepts, and the full-color images, practice problems, and math graphs and charts make learning math easy,...

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