Arte y Literatura

Biblioteca universal sobre Arte y Literatura Contemporánea

Carmen Martín Gaite

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Carmen Martín Gaite

Carmen Martín Gaite is one of the most studied Spanish writers of the twentieth century. This volume incorporates analyses of selected works of both fiction and nonfiction, and begins with personal tributes to Martín Gaite from both friends and scholars. The second section of the book consists of studies devoted to Carmen Martín Gaite's works, employing a variety of critical and theoretical approaches, written from differing perspectives. Martín Gaite insists in "The Virtues of Reading" that writing is not drudgery but sheer pleasure, and she celebrates the enjoyment derived from "lur[ing] the reader or listener to embark on what is to be a shared adventure." We trust that those who approach this volume will do so with a comparable sense of adventure, and gain pleasure, illumination, and an enhanced appreciation of the work of a gifted author.

Información del Libro

Subtitulo : cuento de nunca acabar

Número de páginas 262


  • Lissette Rolón-collazo


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