Arte y Literatura

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Dolor de espalda / Back Pain

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Dolor de espalda / Back Pain

The back is one of the most important parts of the body. The levers that allow us to move critically depend on the numerous, strong muscles that make up the back. For the most part, pain originates from a malfunction of the muscles involved in the many movements of the back, and not from any disease of the spinal column. Natural medicine will allow us to treat the problem of back pain by following easy-to-implement simple guidelines. Many of these are rooted in different concepts that are based on the power of our own body to heal its own maladies, where natural medicine surpasses even conventional therapies. This volume serves as an effective guide to all those afflicted by these widespread and feared maladies.

Información del Libro

Número de páginas 80



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