Arte y Literatura

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El Pan Sagrado/ The Sacred Bread

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El Pan Sagrado/ The Sacred Bread

We are living in special times, of crisis and constant changes that are affecting our humanity but in the middle of this situation of so much confusion there is still one thing without variation and this is the only thing that can help us to succeed in this world: the Word of God. In this word we find the Author, who has never changed and has the direction so we don't get lost on the road, even the Christian road. Also we live in times of deception, in which lies can be disguised as truths and deceit destroys everything that it can, and even Christians can be tricked when they receive doctrine without analyzing the Word of God. Sacred Bread is a call to depend on the Bible, which we should have never left. Many consequences could have been avoided if we had remained close to God's Word and we need to redeem our future by sticking close to the fundamentals that never change.

Información del Libro

Subtitulo : Lo Unico Que Puede Saciar Tu Hambre Actual/ the Only Thing That Can Fulfill Your Hunger

Número de páginas 167


  • Héctor Ferreyra


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