Arte y Literatura

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My Father Envies Me (English and Spanish Version)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro My Father Envies Me (English and Spanish Version)

My dad envies me. I've been an orphan since I was eight months old. Unfortunately, I was mistreated by a bad and envious father, and my whole life has been a torment with him. I will describe, in this book, my father as the person who has done the most harm to me throughout my life, for I have never encountered another person like him. Throughout my life, he has sabotaged my achievements, put me wrong with all the family and friends, and never wanted me to get ahead because he feels less than me. Of course, I have forgiven him for all the evil he has done to me, and I ask God to give him good things despite all the damage he has done to me and even though he has never asked me for an apology. I hope that no one will suffer what I have suffered and that there are no more other fathers like him.

Información del Libro

Número de páginas 212


  • Mayke R.


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