Arte y Literatura

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Sabias Que

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Sabias Que

This highly innovative beginning Spanish text is both task-based (requiring students to use Spanish to complete specific goals or tasks) and content-based, including readings from a variety of disciplines. ¿Sabías que...? represents the practical application of the theories and research presented in Lee and VanPatten's methods text, Making Communicative Language Teaching Happen (a natural companion volume for instructors using this text). The new edition is accompanied by a new CD-ROM, a new Online Learning Center, and more!

Información del Libro

Número de páginas 576



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13 Reseñas Totales

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This brief version of the successful ¿Sabías que…? is perfectly designed for Beginning Spanish programs that are interested in an innovative task-based approach but whose curriculum necessitates a more concise text program. Accompanied by an outstanding ancillary package, Vistazos represents the practical application of the theories and research presented in Lee and VanPatten’s methods text, Making Communicative Language Teaching Happen. With this new edition the authors have worked on a group of select text activities that are available in an optional online format through Quia™...

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¿Tiene nivel de principiante en neerlandés o necesita refrescar sus conocimientos del idioma? ¿Desea no solo hablar como un nativo, sino también entender perfectamente lo que le dicen? Bienvenido a Polyglot Planet. Le proporcionamos las herramientas adecuadas, la energía y la motivación para que comprenda y hable neerlandés con soltura. Aprenda a hablar neerlandés de manera casi instantánea con nuestras lecturas fáciles y grabaciones de Audios fáciles. Sin conocimientos previos de gramática ni de cómo se estructuran las frases, aprenderá a usar el neerlandés cotidiano de forma...

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