Arte y Literatura

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Teatro y Revolución Cubana

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Teatro y Revolución Cubana

This study offers a profound study of Arrufat's play, using most recent critical trends concerning the performance aspect of the drama. It examines the genre of the drama and its relationship to the phenomenon of the Cuban Revolution, Arrufat as a Cuban playwright of the 60s and his re-writing of the Greek theme of the fratricidal fight in Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes. Also contains a recent interview with Arrufat in which he describes the social circumstances surrounding the play and some of his classical re-writing techniques.

Información del Libro

Subtitulo : subversión y utopía en Los siete contra Tebas de Antón Arrufat

Número de páginas 162


  • Jesús J. Barquet


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