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The Recherché Monologues

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro The Recherché Monologues

Beautiful... Like a Rainbow. They say that in order to gain everything, you must first lose everything... So, what do you do when your love life can’t get off the ground, your career is non-existent and you just can’t seem to enjoy your life? You pack up and move to a new state. I’m Crimson Clover and I’m on my way to the career, the boyfriend, the life; nothing short of my place in the beautiful sun. But even with a new beginning, the pieces of the old end still remain to shake up the already tumultuous middle ground. The voices that say I’m not good enough won’t shut up, nothing is going the way it should and I’m more of my worst enemy than best friend. With my life crumbling around me, it’s time to clean house and the lovely Ladies of Recherché are here to help me pick up the pieces and put the puzzle back together. Welcome to my fantasy... Cover design & Illustrations By E. D. Pedersen

Información del Libro

Número de páginas 239


  • E. D. Pedersen


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