Arte y Literatura

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The Road To Marvel's Avengers

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro The Road To Marvel's Avengers

The fourth installment in the blockbuster Avengers saga is about to hit theaters! An action epic like no other, it will be the culmination of 22 interconnected films — and audiences will witness the finale of this epic journey across the length and breadth of the Marvel Cinematic Universe! This collectible volume features art from the films leading up to this thrilling event — including additional behind-the-scenes images, interviews and photography from Avengers: Infinity War! Relive the road to the fourth Avengers film, and prepare yourself for the cinematic experience of a lifetime!

Información del Libro

Subtitulo : Endgame - The Art Of The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Número de páginas 240


  • Eleni Roussos


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