Arte y Literatura

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Barcelona 1992-2004

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Barcelona 1992-2004

Barcelona 1992-2004 offers a selection of chronologically arranged projects that provide an overview of the period that commences with the 1992 Olympic Games and culminates in the huge cultural event that is the Universal Forum of Cultures-Barcelona 2004. The selection has focused in particular on projects involving the city’s openness to the sea and those which have managed to adapt to its existing residential fabric. Presented as separate chapters are projects for new high-rise buildings and schemes for the 22@ plan and the Universal Forum of Cultures. The selection is preceded by a text by William J. R. Curtis, in which he explains how the development of Barcelona in recent years can be set within policies of a more international kind, followed by an exhaustive urbanistic analysis of the city of Barcelona over the last few decades by Josep Maria Montaner. Photographs by Eva Serrats. With full-colour photographs of the city and plans and illustrations of some of the structures, this volume is a comprehensive guide to Barcelona’s contemporary urban structures.

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Número de páginas 201


  • Guim Costa


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