Crimen de estado
Sinopsis del Libro

In eve of the presidential change-over, the banking is nationalized, and by means of a President's decree, the currency is devaluated in more than a hundred percent, the inflation goes up to three digits and the Mexicans' savings in "mexdollars" become pesos with little value. By the end of that six years governmental period, in which the good administration of the oil abundance was proclaimed, the country was in fact plundered and left with empty arks. This was the scenario of Mexico in 1982 and the one that serves as a background for the fictitious characters of "State Crime," a novel where the main characters badly need to find alternatives beyond the law, in order to avoid the country to collapse in their hands, in face of the economic crisis and the American government's plans to take possession of the peninsula of Baja California. The violence of our days, the daily executions, the terror imposed by the assassins from the cartels and the comfortable position of the United States are incomprehensible without the reading of author Gregorio Ortega Molinas' thrilling novel. En vsperas del relevo presidencial se nacionaliza la banca, se devala la moneda en ms del cien por ciento, la inflacin se dispara hasta sumar tres dgitos y los ahorros de los mexicanos en mexdlares se transforman en pesos con poco valor por orden del presidente. El sexenio que pregonaba la administracin de la abundancia petrolera en realidad saque al pas hasta dejarlo con las arcas vacas. ste es el escenario de Mxico en 1982 y que sirve de fondo en el que se mueven los personajes ficticios de Crimen de Estado. La violencia de nuestros das, las ejecuciones cotidianas, el terror que imponen los sicarios de los crteles y la cmoda posicin de Estados Unidos resultan incomprensibles sin la lectura de esta trepidante novela de Gregorio Ortega Molina.
Información del Libro
Número de páginas 308
- Gregorio Ortega
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