Arte y Literatura

Biblioteca universal sobre Arte y Literatura Contemporánea

El diablo espinoso (Thorny Devil)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El diablo espinoso (Thorny Devil)

This title covers basic information about thorny devils, one of Australia's mightiest little reptiles! Information in this title covers a thorny devil's habitat, diet, habits, and more. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators.

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Número de páginas 24



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Otros libros de Grace Hansen

Coyotes (Coyotes) (Spanish Version)

Libro Coyotes (Coyotes) (Spanish Version)

Early readers can delve into the wild world of coyotes with this title. They'll learn what coyotes eat, their preferred habitats, and other great facts, alongside awesome photographs. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO.

Carrera de Trineos de Alaska, Iditarod

Libro Carrera de Trineos de Alaska, Iditarod

Learn all about the history and cultural significance that the exciting Iditarod race event holds around the world today. This title is complete with historical and modern photographs, as well as a glossary and a closer look at the rules for mushers and their dog teams. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers and immersion school educators.

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Libro Los secretos de Hyrule

El libro definitivo que te acompañará en tu recorrido por la historia y el lore de la saga The Legend of Zelda, desde Skyward Sword hasta Breath of the Wild y Tears of the Kingdom. Viajero que llegas a Hyrule, ¿deseas conocer la verdad tras Link, Zelda y Ganondorf? ¿Anhelas entender por qué el Heraldo de la Muerte maldijo al guerrero y a la princesa con la resurrección eterna? ¿Quieres saber por qué los dragones sobrevuelan, aún hoy, la Montaña de la Muerte, el Bosque Perdido o el Lago Hylia? ¿Qué buscan, qué protegen? ¿Qué secretos esconden? Todas esas respuestas se encuentran ...

Al rescate de los anfibios (Amphibian Rescue) eBook

Libro Al rescate de los anfibios (Amphibian Rescue) eBook

Amphibians can be found all over the world. There are more than 7,500 kinds of amphibians living in streams, rainforests, deserts, and everywhere in between. Many of them are in danger due to a deadly fungus, but help is on the way! Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this Spanish book ignites a curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. It features a hands-on STEAM challenge that guides English language learners through every step of the engineering design process. Inspire students to pursue a STEAM career with career advice from a real person working in ...

Puedo nadar

Libro Puedo nadar

Book Features: • Ages 4-8, Grades PreK-2 • 16 pages, 8 inches x 8 inches • Simple, patterned Spanish text with full-color pictures • Includes comprehension questions, writing prompts, and high frequency words • Graphic organizers and photo glossary included Dive Into Learning: In Listos para las Ciencias: Puedo Nadar, preschoolers—second graders learn about the different types of animals that can swim, just like you! Science Made Fun: Do you know how to swim? These animals can swim, too! Young readers learn about some of their favorite animals that can swim and even live in the...

Maestros (Teachers) (Spanish Version)

Libro Maestros (Teachers) (Spanish Version)

Little readers will learn all about what teachers do, where they work, and why they are important in our communities. Very simple text combined with correlating and colorful images will both inform and strengthen reading skills. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids is a division of ABDO.

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