Arte y Literatura

Biblioteca universal sobre Arte y Literatura Contemporánea

¿Está mojado? (What Is Wet?)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro ¿Está mojado? (What Is Wet?)

Few kids can resist jumping into a big puddle. Getting wet can be fun. Learning to describe objects as wet can be fun, too, as evidenced in the bright, entertaining photographs and simple, engaging text in this motivating book. Readers will love to identify the objects within these pages, selected to appeal to them, and use the objects to comprehend new vocabulary words in corresponding sentences.

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Número de páginas 24



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¿Es suave? (What Is Soft?)

Libro ¿Es suave? (What Is Soft?)

When people think of soft things, they immediately conjure up images of furry bunnies and similarly textured animals and objects. This inviting book helps young readers to do the same, as learning about textures is an important tenet of the early elementary curriculum. Carefully selected photographs of soft objects make the concept of texture clear to the reader as well as aid in vocabulary acquisition.

¿Está seco? (What Is Dry?)

Libro ¿Está seco? (What Is Dry?)

Anyone who has ever gotten drenched in a rainstorm knows what it is to be dry, but learning to identify objects as dry can be tricky for the youngest learners. This beneficial book teaches readers how to classify familiar objects as wet or dry with short, achievable sentences carefully constructed for vocabulary acquisition. The accessible narrative is accompanied by bright, interesting photographs of the objects.

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