Arte y Literatura

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Guerrero de Tormentas

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Guerrero de Tormentas

Are you facing a challenge? A defeat? Do you feel that a serious threat is rising up against you? Then you need to know more about Jesus' strategy for His people. Join Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, prophet-evangelists and well-known authors, in implementing the authority that is already yours in Christ. With keen Biblical insights and astonishing living examples, they help you embrace as never before the fact that the perfect Storm Warrior sits on the highest seat of authority in heaven and reigns over all things: sickness, calamity, even death. Christ shares His authority with all who commune with Him in truth. As you become saturated with the Lord Jesus, you, too, as a believer can become a carrier of His authority and you also can become one of God's storm warriors.

Información del Libro

Subtitulo : La Estrategia para la Victoria del Creyente

Número de páginas 249


  • Mahesh Chavda
  • Bonnie Chavda


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