Learn Creole Very Slowly Ð Aprendan Creole Despacito
Sinopsis del Libro

The vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and explanations provided by this textbook will help travelers, tourists, short-term and long-term missionaries, foreign students, business people, migrants, immigrants, ambassadors, and healthcare professionals learn and understand the structure of the above languages and culture. Wherever these migrants turn, they will need to speak one of these four languages. With this ebook, Chileans, Dominicans, and Panamanians can speak with the Haitian migrants who will learn English or French later on. ÒLearn Creole Very Slowly Ð Aprendan Creole Despacito Ð Aprann Krey~l ToudousmanÓ is one of the tools you will need to survive in Chile, USA, Canada, France, Argentina, Belgium, Spain etc.
Información del Libro
Número de páginas 338
- Ovando Garcia & Joseph-jony Charles
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