Arte y Literatura

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Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Mosaicos

The 5th edition of Mosaicos: Spanish as a World Language provides a fresh, 2lst-century perspective on language teaching and learning in the context of a dynamic introduction to the Hispanic world and its people. Rich contextualization of vocabulary combined with contextualized, functional grammatical instruction gives students an authentic, communicative introduction to the Spanish language. Deeply integrated culture and detailed listening, speaking, reading and writing practice bring all the pieces together for today's students of Spanish. This Books á la Carte Edition is an unbound, three-hole punched version of the textbook and provides students the opportunity to personalize their book by incorporating their own notes and taking only the portion of the book they need to class -- all at an affordable price.

Información del Libro

Subtitulo : Spanish as a World Language, Books a la Carte Edition

Número de páginas 608


  • Matilde Olivella Castells
  • Elizabeth Guzman
  • Paloma Lapuerta


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