No Longer a Dilly Dally / Nunca Más A Troche y Moche
Sinopsis del Libro

Ants must work hard during summer to build their homes and gather food for the winter. Family Work Play wastes no time finding a suitable location to build their home with plenty of room to store food for the coming winter. They determine to work first, so they can relax and have fun later. In contrast, Family Dilly Dally has a different tradition: they always play first. If they have any time left, then they work a little. When the long, cold winter comes, the Dilly Dally family have a very tough time finding food and keeping warm. However, they learn an important lesson about working first and playing later. Virtues: Diligence / Responsibility / Proper Work Ethic En contraste con la familia Trabajo Primero, los amantes de la diversión, Dilly Dallys tienen una tradición familiar: juega primero, luego trabaja. Pero los tiempos difíciles convencen a los Dilly Dallys de que deben cambiar para sobrevivir.
Información del Libro
Número de páginas 48
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