Arte y Literatura

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Tesoros de la naturaleza

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Tesoros de la naturaleza

The world is filled with curious objects made by plants, animals, and even by the Earth itself. Dive into this collection of more than 100 intriguing items from the natural world and discover the stories behind them. Learn how huge whales eat tiny animals from looking at their bristly teeth, why butterflies shine and glitter in the sunlight from seeing their minute wing scales, how plants transport water and food around from examining a delicate leaf skeleton, and what makes every snowflake unique from admiring their miniature, branching crystals of ice. Birds' eggs, a lump of coal, a glass sponge skeleton, a cacao pod, a mermaid's purse, a fossil human footprint, an ear of corn, a pine cone, an owl pellet, and a chrysalis--all tell a story. Arranged by animal, vegetable, or mineral, objects are shown with truly stunning photography and colorful illustrations to help explain the science behind them. The lively descriptions by best-selling nature writer Ben Hoare explore the remarkable tales behind each item and all are packed with information. Nature's Treasure takes you on a tour of the Earth through the things made by nature. This book is for every inquisitive child who loves to spot objects when exploring outside and wants to know more about the wonderful and mysterious natural world.

Información del Libro

Subtitulo : Un viaje inolvidable por los secretos del mundo natural


  • Ben Hoare


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