Arte y Literatura

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Arte y cultura: Mardi Gras: Resta (Art and Culture: Mardi Gras: Subtraction)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Arte y cultura: Mardi Gras: Resta (Art and Culture: Mardi Gras: Subtraction)

Take a trip to New Orleans with a young girl and her family as they attend one of the world's biggest parties: Mardi Gras! Learn all about the history of this fascinating festival as you practice subtraction strategies. This Spanish math book combines math and literacy skills, and uses real-life examples of problem solving to teach subject area content. The full-color images, engaging sidebars, practice problems, and math diagrams make learning subtraction strategies relevant and fun. Text features include a table of contents, glossary, and index to increase understanding of math and reading concepts. An in-depth problem-solving section provides additional learning and practice opportunities while challenging students' higher-order thinking skills. Packed with fun facts, this informational text supports ESL students and STEM education.

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Número de páginas 32


  • Jennifer Prior


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